
Vamping: this is how nighttime cell phone use affects young people

Is there an addiction to mobile devices among young people? Many recent studies seem to suggest yes, and even provide data: one in three minors spends more than five hours glued to their phone a day. During the day or, it seems, also during the night. A practice known as “vamping”.

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Despite the fantastic name that this phenomenon has received, and which is reminiscent of novels like Dracula, the reality is worrying. The use of screens and the theft of hours of rest and sleep would apparently be causing insomnia in a high rate of the population.especially when talking about kids.

What is “vamping”?

Young people have always been the sector of the population that has stayed up the most for various reasons. The problem, according to different research, comes when the last thing you see each night is the screen of your mobile device. Or even when You steal hours from sleep to be browsing or talking on the phone.

The explanation for this phenomenon, which specialists have called “vamping,” is very simple. Before preparing to sleep, the body generates melatonin, a hormone that is responsible for regulating the day and night cycles for the body. Or what is the same, it prepares your body for hours of rest.

The problem arises when using screens before going to sleep causes confusion in your body, which can identify its lighting as still daytime.. This not only happens with the telephone, although it is the main culprit, but also, for example, with many video game consoles, especially portable ones.

In this sense, it is natural that the so-called “vamping” is related to technological insomnia, and that many of its consequences also have a clear link.

Consequences of “vamping” on young people

What happens when you take nighttime hours away from your rest to be with your mobile phone or a similar device? The consequences, especially among the youngest, who suffer the most from vamping, are diverse. Some very obvious, but others not so much.

The clearest proof that a minor is suffering from “vamping” is that this present tiredness during the day, especially in the morningand therefore have more problems coping with their usual routine.

Vamping: this is how nighttime cell phone use affects young people

If the practice continues over time, experts warn that academic performance may suffer. The more sleep, the worse concentration, and the harder and more complicated learning becomes for young people.

On some occasions, in addition, “Vamping” can also cause weight gain, stress and anxiety. This often translates into unexpected changes in mood, worse temper, and is even capable of triggering depression in the most severe cases.

It should also not be forgotten that, as much as experts recommend adult supervision in their children’s relationship with technology, this rarely happens. Many young people, even under twelve years old, enjoy their devices without their parents having any control over their routines. Something that, as we see, can even be dangerous to health.

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