
Vodafone Italia for sale? The networks would go to Fastweb, the customers to Iliad

In the last few hours a big indiscretion relating to the telephony market in Italy has been circulating: Fastweb would be on the verge of buying Vodafone Italia, to keep the operator’s infrastructure and then resell the consumer division to Iliad. He was the first to report the news D-daywho apparently learned from anonymous sources that the negotiation was already underway advanced stage.

Although these are rumors at the moment, they are not without foundation: a few weeks ago the news was also reported by Bloombergbut until now there had been no further confirmation.

According to reports from D-dayHowever, Fastweb would have already signed the non-disclosure agreement to be able to access Vodafone Italia’s confidential documentation, in order to prepare the offer.

In the sector there has been talk of one for a while possible sale of Vodafone Italia: last year Iliad tried to acquire the operator with an offer of 11.25 billion euros, which was then rejected.

In this regard, according to the indiscretion, Fastweb would be primarily interested in acquire infrastructure of Vodafone, which has one of the most important networks in Italy, but would be ready to resell the consumer division to Iliadwith all its customers.

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