
What do we know about the GTA 6 map: where is the game set?

One of the elements that software houses often leverage when announcing a new game is the size of its mapand it is therefore logical that after the release of the first trailer for GTA 6 many are wondering the same thing.

Obviously we don’t have all the answers, because in about 90 seconds of film they couldn’t have arrived. In particular, according to rumors, there should be not one but 3 main cities, 4 smaller cities, and a large area between them with various explorable landscape features. After all, GTA 5 also had its Los Santos, but also various small peripheral cities, and then lakes and mountains.

So far there has been talk of a playable area Double compared to GTA 5, which the trailer cannot confirm, but even if that were the case, size matters up to a certain point. What will make the difference will be the level of interactivity with the map and with the characters that populate it, because if in any case they are just “hardbacks” placed there to have more road to cover by car, little will change compared to the past.

What the trailer clearly reveals is that GTA 6 is set in Vice City (or at least there too), a city made famous by the homonymous chapter of the saga, but actually present in the first Grand Theft Auto. To be precise, Rockstar Games has announced that GTA 6 is set in the state of Leonidas, home to the neon streets of Vice City and more, in the biggest, most immersive evolution of the Grand Theft Auto series yet. In short, everything and nothing: there may or may not be other large cities.

What is certain, from the images in the trailer, is that there will be a lot waterfall, both with sunny beaches and motorboats, and with swamps, flamingos and hovercraft. And obviously we will be able to drive every type of known vehicle, including planes, with which to fly over these postcard landscapes. Unfortunately, nothing can be understood about the interactivity of these settings, nor how “alive” they will actually be, but the population it is something that is certainly not lacking, at least judging by the crowding on the beach.

But in GTA 6 we expect much more than just a huge map: we want it realistic not just in appearance, and this will be Rockstar’s real challenge. Unfortunately, there is still a long wait to know whether it will be won or not.

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