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What is an OTA update and how does it work on your mobile or car?

Currently, updates to software They have become an essential point to keep devices working correctly. Between these, Updates Over-The-Air (OTA) stand out as a novelty that has revolutionized the way of interacting with devices.

Even many of today’s modern vehicles also have the ability to receive updates from software periodically, and this practice is also known as OTA updating.

This method, which initially gained popularity with smartphones, has found its way into the automotive sector in recent years, especially electric cars.

The simplicity of this method lies in authorizing the user to download and install the update, eliminating the need for physical connections.

  • What is an OTA update?
  • What does an OTA update actually do?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of updating your mobile or vehicle via OTA
  • Its popularity skyrockets with the arrival of autonomous driving

What is an OTA update?

An OTA update, which means Over-The-Air —through the air, in Spanish—, is a method that allows updating software on devices, such as vehicles or smartphones, wirelessly over the Internet.

In simple terms, it is like receiving an automatic upgrade for your device without the need to connect cables or visit a workshop in the case of cars.


Imagine that you have a mobile phone and suddenly you receive a notification indicating that an update is available. Instead of connecting it to a computer like before, you simply touch a button to authorize the installation.

The update is then automatically downloaded and installed on your device without you having to do anything else. This update could improve system performance, fix bugs, or even add new features, all seamlessly and directly over the air.

In the context of automobiles, OTA updates work the same way. You would receive a notification on the vehicle’s dashboard or app. Then, with your permission, the car connects to the Internet and downloads the update automatically and usually occurs when the vehicle is parked and turned off to ensure safety.

What does an OTA update actually do?

When you find yourself installing an OTA update on your mobile and you do not notice any obvious changes, it is natural that questions arise about the purpose of these updates.

Before installation, these updates are often accompanied by information detailing their purpose, although admittedly, not everyone reads these messages. These are some of the changes you can make:

1. Update the operating system

One of the fundamental purposes of OTA updates is to provide your mobile with the latest versions of the operating system it uses.

In simple terms, if your phone is running Android 12, an OTA update could transform it into an Android 13 device, giving you the latest features and system improvements.

2. Install security patches

Security is a priority, and OTA updates reflect this by commonly being accompanied by security patches. These patches work to strengthen the security of your mobile or vehicle by resolving recently identified vulnerabilities.

In theory, manufacturers should send monthly updates with the corresponding security patches, although this practice is not always followed.

3. Fix bugs and improve stability

Also focus on perfecting the user experience by fixing bugs or bugs system specific. Change logs often describe these fixes as improvements to system stability, which ultimately means better system performance. software.

4. Add or remove applications

When the operating system is updated, it is common for the OTA update to introduce new applications or features to your device. In addition, can uninstall applications that the manufacturer considers obsolete.

However, it is important to note that the applications that you have personally installed will not be uninstalled, which means that only those that were pre-installed on the mobile at the factory are deleted.

Advantages and disadvantages of updating your mobile or vehicle via OTA


  1. Simplicity and convenience: OTA updates offer an easy, hassle-free method to keep your devices up to date. In the case of mobile phones, receiving improvements to the operating system or security functions becomes an almost automatic process, avoiding the need for wired connections or complex technical procedures.
  2. Continuous optimization: both in mobile phones and in cars, these updates allow everything from improvements in system stability to the correction of errors and the incorporation of new functions.
  3. Reinforced security: They play a crucial role in security, especially in the mobile sector. Rapid deployment of security patches helps protect devices against newly discovered vulnerabilities.


  1. Time Limitations: However, the speed at which manufacturers deploy these updates may vary, meaning some users may experience delays in the arrival of important improvements.
  2. Potential security issues: Although they are designed to strengthen security, in rare cases, the lack of proper oversight during the update process could open the door to potential security issues.
  3. Additional costs and controversies: In the automotive sector, the implementation of OTA updates can cause quite a few problems in terms of additional costs. Some manufacturers take advantage of this service as an additional source of income, charging users for specific improvements.

Its popularity skyrockets with the arrival of autonomous driving

The arrival of autonomous driving has acted as a catapult that has made updates even more popular Over-The-Air (OTA).

This technological advance, which allows vehicles to drive autonomously without human intervention, has transformed the dynamics of the industry and has triggered the importance of these updates. Simply put, these are vital given your ability to implement critical improvements quickly and efficiently.

OTA updates are the fastest answer to these problems, allowing manufacturers to keep up with technological advances and market expectations, as they They quickly implement new features, optimize driving algorithms and fix potential errors that can cost lives.

Despite the more than obvious benefits, the implementation of OTA updates in the context of autonomous driving also raises some doubts. Security and regulatory compliance become critical, because any vulnerability could compromise the safety of autonomous vehicles.

The need to establish rigorous standards and very strong security practices becomes a key aspect to guarantee the trust of society that is sorely lacking with respect to this new way of moving.

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