
What is “Silent Walking”, the Buddhist practice that is sweeping TikTok

It is surprising the way in which, sometimes, tradition and technology merge. Not only are there apps to practice yoga or to wish Christmas greetings, but sometimes even Buddhist practices become fashionable on social networks themselves.

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That is precisely what has been happening for a long time with the trend known as Silent Walking, which is drawing powerful attention among some users on TikTok. What in theory could translate into something like walking in silence, in reality hides much more behind it.

What is Silent Walking talked about on TikTok?

To a certain extent, it may be natural that in a world contaminated by noise and in which technology increasingly has a greater presence in people’s lives and their routines, we sometimes look for classic ways to “disconnect” and find oneself. same. This is where practices such as Silent Walking. Something that comes from far back.

Silent Walking, also known as “kinhin” in the Buddhist context, is a tradition that dates back to ancient monasteries and zen methods. Originating in Japan, this practice was integrated as an essential component of the meditation of this discipline.

After intensive sessions of zazen (sitting meditation), the monks performed kinhin to maintain concentration and mindfulness while moving.

In kinhin, movement is slow and conscious. Practitioners walk in a line, with their hands in a specific position and their gaze lowered. Breath accompanies each step, transforming an everyday act into a meditative dance. This silent walk seeks to transcend the duality between stillness and movement, incorporating full attention in each moment.

How to do Silent Walking just like on TikTok

For some time now, many users like @MindfulExplorer or @ZenVibesOnly have shared the benefits that Silent Walking supposedly has for well-being and mental health, starting with its ability to reduce stressimprove the ability to concentrate or enhance sensory awareness.

On a physical level, there are also rewards from practicing Silent Walking, which is, after all, walking, such as muscle strengthening or blood stimulation. Furthermore, unlike other disciplines such as simply going for a run, it is an exercise that anyone can do, regardless of their age or athletic condition.

Although Silent Walking can be done without leaving home, the most natural thing is that you look for a quiet environment, whether in a park, garden or a garden to do it. Then alone You must maintain an upright posture, walk slowly and breath deeplybeing aware at all times of what surrounds you.

Ultimately, by adopting this practice in our daily lives, you can find a haven of peace in the midst of modern frenzy. There are times when the simplest and most traditional practices can give you more than anything else, no matter how simple they may seem in their origin.

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