
What stores are doing previews of Black Friday? These are the ones who are already at it

Black Friday went from being a Friday to being a Friday that was combined with Monday because it was Cyber ​​Monday. Then it became the entire weekend, and now, it is beginning to be almost the entire month in some stores.

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It is normal that you get lost with so many offers and so many stores, so in this small list we tell you which stores already have offers and when they start if they don’t have anything on promotion yet.

In our Black Friday 2023 guide you will however have all the details.

  1. Miravia
  2. PCComponents
  3. MediaMarkt
  4. amazon
  5. Rest of stores


Miravia, for its part, has already begun to seduce potential customers with ads like “this product will cost 1*,** on Black Friday.” On the 20th they will start with some offers, along with the flash offers that they do every day for 24 hours, but the big day will be from the night of November 23 to 24. On Singles’ Day, the truth is that the most interesting thing was only from 0:00 to 2:00 in the morning on Saturday in a flash offer. It may be the same on Black Friday.


black friday pccomponents

PCComponentes is the store that is giving the most hype to Black Friday. They have been running their Black Friday offers since Sunday, November 12, which will last, the company says, until at least November 27.

The most surprising thing is that they have been offering offers since November 6, but this time in advance of the Black Friday advance. The good thing is that even though there is so much advance payment and so much anticipation, PCComponentes says that it will always maintain or lower the prices of everything it lowers even further.

In short, there is Black Friday from November 12 to 26.



MediaMarkt usually has more sale periods than normal periods throughout the year. There is always a campaign! So it is not surprising that on Black Friday they have anticipated as much as possible. During this week, until November 17, they have a week of discounts. Then there will be another week of discounts, which are supposed to be better, and the final fireworks, like the rest of the stores, will be the last Friday of the month. You can now check the offers they have in their Black Friday week.


Amazon Black Friday 2017 offers: live deals

Amazon is doing its thing and does not need to be doing dozens of campaigns and promotions, but this year it has decided that it will not do Black Friday, but rather an entire black week. That is, according to the company, they will start with all offers on November 17 and will last until the 25th or 26th or until the stock runs out. At the moment they already have some early Black Friday offers, such as the purchase of two Echo devices for the price of one, but the important thing will come on the 17th, especially on Amazon brand products.

Rest of stores

Go shopping

The rest of the technology stores will launch offers that same day or, at most, the week before. Stores like Zara, Shein, Mango, Cortefiel… will have promotions that same day although they usually last until Monday. In general terms, we recommend that you wait until that day because, surely, you will go crazy following all the offers there are when the most interesting ones are most likely only available from November 23 to 24.

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