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Can a defunct (and defunct) phone operating system be revived on an old MacBook? Yes. It can. Do!

The world of technology it’s full of “self”, chewed by the nostalgic gods old brands like durian sweets. “If nokia had…” is very popular, but probably just behind “If Windows Phone had…” (While you’re at it, check out our guide on how Connecting to Your Phone works.)

And in fact a third operating system in the exclusive world of smartphones would not have been to be despised (and let’s not even mention Maemo, Ubuntu Touch or Sailfish), but Martin Nobel, of the YouTube channel Nobel Tech, decided to give it a rest and uploaded it to an old MacBook Windows 10 Mobile. And it works incredibly well, so much so that it brings to mind the famous phrase from Frankenstein Junior (in English it would be it could workbut that’s fine too.)

“It can be done!”. Junior Frankenstein (1974)

In the video, we can indeed see the home screen and some system apps. The appearance is not the best, with the famous ones colored tiles in size giganormsand also the drop-down menu of notifications It’s not particularly nice to look at, but many of the apps open and run smoothly on the MacBook.

We remember that Windows 10 Mobile it was thought of as a point of convergence between telephones And computer (the idea was what apple did years later with macOS following the introduction of its M1 chips), and therefore these apps were actually universal. So as you can see Calendar, Calculator and even the Settings they make good use of the computer screen.

Source: Martin Noble

Indeed, the app Settings it’s pretty much the same as the version on Windows 10 computers.

Many have asked Martin how to carry out the porting, and the enthusiast actually posted one guide on how to do it, but before rushing to follow his example, remember that Windows 10 Mobile is no longer supported (but was it ever supported?), so don’t expect to do much with it other than publish a video to show to friends.

In any case, the experiment shows that Microsoft was actually years ahead (the system even recognizes the battery level, so it supports computer drivers) and had taken a step in the right direction.

Maybe with Windows 12 And Windows Core we could see such a project reborn.

But enough dreaming, we leave you with the video, and here you can find the tutorial on how to transform your old one Mac (2006-2012) in a Windows Phone to all effects.

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