
WindTre launches the Black Friday offer at 9.99 euros per month

We’re finally entering the biggest day of Black Friday this year, with offers coming from all over. We got a taste of it with those launched by Amazon this week.

And still on the Black Friday theme, some are arriving interesting news from WindTre. The operator has indeed launched an interesting one mobile offer which is aimed at all those who intend to activate a new offer with portability of the number from any operator. Is called WindTre GO 150 Limited Edition 5G Easy Paylet’s see what it includes:

WindTre GO 150 Limited Edition

  • Unlimited minutes of calls to all national numbers.
  • 50 SMS to all national numbers.
  • 150GB of data traffic up to 5G speed.
  • Monthly rate equal to 9.99 euros.
  • Activation cost equal to 9.99 euros if the SIM remains active for at least 24 months (otherwise 49.99 euros).
  • Payment method exclusively compatible with EasyPay.

The offer we just described is available exclusively for those who will switch to WindTre from any other operatorkeeping the same number.

The portability request must be made during the activation phase to access the offer described.

The offer just presented can be activated only at authorized retailers WindTre, in the period from today 23 November until the next December 4th.


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