
Bitter Christmas gift from WindTre: remodulations of 2 euros per month for the landline

The Christmas period is approaching, commonly marked by gifts of all kinds. Too bad he will also have one bitter note for some WindTre customers.

The operator, active in both the mobile and fixed network sectors, has in fact just announced a remodulation which will concern some landline offers. By remodulation we obviously mean the unilateral modification of the contract, which then translates into increases in the monthly rate to pay.

The increase in question corresponds to 2 euros per month on the fixed network subscription rate. WindTre has justified the increase with the change in market positioning needs, and also with that of continuing to provide service levels in line with the growing needs of the market.

At the moment it is not clear what the offers are of fixed networks involved in the remodulation, but certainly all customers who will suffer the increases will be notified by WindTre they will receive a communication on the invoice issued to December 2023.

If you are a WindTre landline customer, you will therefore have to pay particular attention to the invoice that will arrive in December. The first increase will be applied to the first renewal following March 1, 2024.

Since this is a unilateral modification of the contract, all customers are affected they will be able to cancel without additional costs from the contract with WindTre. To enforce the right of withdrawalit will be necessary to communicate the wish to terminate to the operator by February 29, 2024. These are the communication methods available:

  • registered letter with return receipt to Wind Tre SpA CD MILAN ADDRESS BAGGIO Post Office Box 159 20152 MILAN MI
  • PEC to [email protected]
  • Customer Area
  • WindTre sales points
  • call 159
  • WindTre website by filling out the appropriate form available in the “Useful forms” section

As for the mobile network remodulations, for the associated lines must be explicitly requested deactivation, and you can communicate how you intend to continue paying for any products purchased in installments with the line.


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