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You and all the travelers do it at the airport, but you run the risk of losing your money and your vacation

When you travel and find yourself in the airport waiting roomit is completely natural to want to connect to the available WiFi network, especially if it is provided by the airline at no cost.

However, you should keep in mind that This seemingly harmless practice can become a real threat to your finances.but especially for your vacations.

An Internet connection is essential in today’s world, but it also entails risks for your privacy. Hackers do not give up and use sophisticated methods to access your personal data.

Therefore, if you are going to use the airport WiFi on your trips, you must take appropriate protection measures.

If you don’t want to ruin your vacation, don’t connect to the airport WiFi

Recently, hackers have been detected to have developed a scam known as “evil twins.” It consists of installing fake WiFi access points at the airport, using names that are similar to the official network of the place.

This ingenious trick endangers travelers who, by trying to connect to this fraudulent network, are giving hackers direct access to all the banking details stored on their devices, as well as their personal information.

The scam of evil twin consists of deceiving travelers with a fake WiFi network. For example, if the airport’s official WiFi network is called Madrid’s airporthackers could call your network Madrid Airport-Free WiFi.

When a traveler connects to this network, they are asked to enter a password, commonly 12345678 either password to connect without problems. In this way, criminals can access all the banking information that the traveler has on their device.

This includes data such as your credit card number, expiration date, and your security code. In this situation, there are several things you can do to avoid being a victim of this situation.

It is essential that you only connect to WiFi networks that are protected by strong passwords and not easily accessible or even without credentials. Do not enter your bank details while you are connected to this network, rather use mobile data.

Likewise, you can also make use of a VPN service, which encrypts your Internet traffic and hides your location, making it difficult for hackers to intercept your information. By following these tips, you can reduce your risk of falling victim to the “evil twin” scam.

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