
You are not alone, a massive Redsys crash causes problems in card payments and Bizum in Spain

If you have tried to make a payment by card or with Bizum throughout Saturday morning, It is likely that you have experienced some other failureand you are not alone, this is a massive problem that has been experienced in our country in recent hours.

Specifically, the failure has been detected in the banking interconnection system Redsys around 1:00 p.m., a system that has suffered a massive drop affecting electronic payment, but also cards and obviously Bizum.

Throughout the morning, thousands of people have reported these problems when trying to pay with a credit card, or make a money transfer through Bizum.

And Redsys is the one in charge of managing these card payments and Bizum at the POS terminals in our favorite shops and restaurants, and also at bank ATMs.

With this, delays are being recorded in making payment, including connection failures, which is why many have not been able to complete the purchase.

The banking entities have assured that the incidents have begun to be resolved, although at the moment it seems that there are still specific failures when paying and withdrawing money from ATMs that are not from the same entity.


Although in the last few minutes they have commented that the Redsys banking payment system is 100% recovered, There are still a large group of users on social networks who claim that it still does not work.

It is likely that you will continue to experience occasional problems with these payments throughout the day, so you should bring cash if you plan to go out today.

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