
YouTube experiments with view and like counters that update in real time

The most popular video streaming platform at the moment is YouTube, and that means that every change it may include towards users is taken into account.

Sometimes, many of these changes are announced, others are presented suddenly in certain updates, while others of these changes appear as a surprise to a select group of users.

And this latest experimental change that some users are seeing introduces like counters and view counters that update in real timeregardless of whether the video is running or paused.

Specifically, they have begun to experiment in the YouTube application on Android with likes and view counters that update in real time, but at the moment it is being shown to a select group of users.

Likes and views counters update in real time with ingenious animation and appear regardless of whether the video is playing or paused.

Google has been experimenting with this feature for a month, but for now only in a very select group of users, although it seems that in the last few hours it has reached a broader group.

This could mean that it is quite likely that in the coming weeks this change to real-time views and likes will be available to everyone, although we will have to see if it can be disabled.

Recently YouTube has included a multitude of changes, such as the inability to block its ads or even making the button to skip certain ads much smaller.

Although this small change to the real-time updates of views and likes does not seem very striking, it can certainly be interesting for those who love statistics.

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