
Gboard makes using physical keyboards more convenient on Android tablets

Google once again confirms its efforts towards its apps dedicated to Android devices (here is the collection of the best Android smartphones of the month). Among these we certainly find GboardGoogle’s virtual keyboard that now powers millions of devices around the world.

In fact, in the last few hours Gboard has received a new update which makes it particularly optimized even on Android tablets. This is because a. finally arrives better tablet support to which physical keyboards are connected.

In fact, Gboard now offers one toolbar That provides suggestions to those who use a physical keyboard to write on Android tablets. As you can see from them screenshot at the bottom, the bar is proposed in the shape of a pill at the bottom of the writing interface and allows quick access to the settings panel emojito the section of Notes where all the copied parts of text are collected.

It will also be possible to access the function translation of Google, at shortcuts from the keyboard and also open the virtual keyboard complete.

The bar also includes a quick option to be further reduced on the left side of the interface.

The new bar dedicated to physical keyboards is however deactivable. This is possible via the built-in option in Gboard settings. If enabled, its activation occurs automatically every time yes connect a keyboard physics on the tablet.

The novelty that we have just described should be available for all those who use Gboard on Android tablets and who have updated the app to version 13.6. Please let us know if you have already tried it and if you find it useful.


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