
Google Maps adds a new 3D view to Android Auto

Google Maps has been including a multitude of new features in recent months, including the controversial change in the color palette that does not convince absolutely anyone.

Be that as it may, those at Mountain View continue working on making Google Maps maps more attractive, and in addition to the immersive view for routes, which allows us to preview the routes in a kind of multidimensional view that includes images satellite and street-level photographs, They are also working on 3D buildings.

Google has started testing 3D buildings in Google Maps in Android Autoa feature that is going to be gradually rolled out to users and which, as you might guess, includes buildings but also 3D landmarks.

They are currently testing 3D buildings with a limited number of users on Android Auto, and it could be one of the most notable new features we see in 2024 in the stable version.


What can be seen is that these 3D buildings and landmarks, They feature a transparent designso they do not get in the way when driving and viewing the map, but also in certain cases they go somewhat unnoticed.

At this time, it is unknown which people could end up receiving the experimental version of 3D buildings and landmarks in Google Maps on Android Auto.

Meanwhile, the user community is still trying to convince Google to abandon the new color palette of Google Maps and return to the old one.

On the other hand, regarding the arrival of 3D buildings and landmarks, it is something that will happen at the server level and not at the update level, so its final availability date is unknown.

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