
Microsoft Edge updates on Android and iOS to embrace Copilot

Microsoft in recent times it has shown that it wants to compete with the biggest players also in the artificial intelligence segment, starting with the launch of its Copilot.

Microsoft Copilot is the intelligent chatbot that the Redmond giant recently launched and which allows you to access all the potential of the most recent artificial intelligence models, among which we find GPT-4 by OpenAI and the image generation platform FROM-E 3.

We saw Copilot debut on Windows 11, and then also extend to the Android world with its official app launched a few days ago. Now they’re coming further news precisely in the context of Copilot support on mobile devices, with Microsoft updating Edge specifically to support Copilot on Android and iPhone devices.

The update to Edge, Microsoft’s popular web browser, therefore concerns the official apps for Android And iOS of the browser. With this update you will be able to use Copilot via Edge on mobile devices as if using its desktop counterpart.

This means there is ai support pluginsthrough which it is possible to use the various artificial intelligence platforms.

It will therefore be possible generate texts and images, request summaries of the videos you view on YouTube (always through Edge) or request the generation of subtitles or transcriptions starting from the video or audio content you access.

In short, with this update Edge makes it possible to use Copilot as if you were on desktop, without adding other features to the one we already know.

The update we just described for Microsoft Edge is currently during automatic distribution for Android and iOS browser apps, through their respective app stores of course. Below you will find the direct buttons to download Edge from Play Store and fromApp Store.

Download from Play Store

Download from the App Store

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