
News on YouTube ads on TV: here’s Google’s decision!

news on YouTube ads on TV: here’s Google’s decision!” title=”News on YouTube ads on TV: here’s Google’s decision!”>

Interesting news from YouTube. In particular, if you use the platform via a TV, you may have noticed the presence of fewer advertisements, albeit longer compared to the recent past. In this case, it is not just a sensation but reality. In fact, YouTube began testing this innovation in September and is now apparently rolling out the update.

In particular, you should see a countdown timer in the lower right corner: It will show how much time remains until the entire commercial break ends and when it will be possible to skip it. In addition to this change, YouTube is expanding the ads to Shorts too: even on TV, as happens on mobile devices and on the Web, it will be possible to see advertisements on this type of content. So, Google’s video platform is focusing quite intensely on ads, especially with the aim of convincing users to watch them.

Still on the topic of advertising on YouTube, news has recently emerged that Google is winning its battle against AdBlocks. Specifically, the new measures envisaged by the Mountain View giant would have led to “hundreds of thousands” of AdBlok uninstallations.

In this sense, AdGuard said daily uninstallations increased throughout October, until reaching 52,000 only on October 18th.

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