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This is the new WhatsApp scam that “pays” for giving likes on YouTube

New technologies have brought with them a multitude of scams and deceptions that use everyday applications or social networks to attract their victims. Sometimes even in combination. That’s what happens with a new WhatsApp scam that “pays” for giving likes on YouTube.

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In reality, it is not a particularly new strategy, but it has changed slightly with respect to similar scams. In the end, the goal is the same: get your money or your personal data using fake bait; in this case a well-known name and easy money to get. A combination that cybercriminals love, that’s clear.

Beware of this new WhatsApp scam

Scams are as old as the world, from those that take advantage of specific periods such as Christmas, to the classic stamp or tocomocho scams. But even in times of the Internet, technology or social networks, deceptions of this type happen at a dizzying rate.

Until now, the most common thing was to deal with typical “phishing”. That is, the word that is usually used when criminals impersonate a known identity in order to make you fall into one of their scams, for example in the name of the Post Office, the Civil Guard or even the National Police. From there to making the leap to platforms like Netflix was just a matter of time.

Now, however, Many scams have another lure as their main claim: offering you work. Recently, the authority was precisely the one that warned that TikTok was not looking for commercials in exchange for large amounts of money. And now something similar is happening with YouTube: no one pays to like their videos. It’s another scam.

The two scams have their point of origin in common: the instant messaging service WhatsApp. Aware of the frequent use made by many users, including older people, the Meta tool has become an open window for a multitude of deceptions. Sometimes, with messages from abroad.

how to avoid YouTube scam

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The way this scam is carried out is quite simple: you receive a message through WhatsApp, usually from an unknown number, offering you money in exchange for liking YouTube videos. To do this, they offer you to go to a link, through which they seek to obtain your personal and banking information.

Logically, to get people interested, large remunerations are promised in return: a simple and well-paid job. The best way to detect it, however, is to realize that these types of messages usually come from very long numbers, with prefixes that come from other countries.

Sometimes, Even WhatsApp itself warns you that its origin is in India or similar places.

If you receive this type of scam attempts, it is best to block the sender directly and delete the message, as recommended by the National Police itself. If you also want to share it with the authorities, they are always grateful.

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