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1 Giga Italy Plan: here are the 19 new municipalities covered in FTTH

Continue shipped 1 Giga Italy planthe first of the public intervention plans of the Italian Strategy for Ultra Wide Band to guarantee all users a connection speed in line with the European objectives of the Gigabit society and Digital Compass (discover the best fiber offers on the market).

This is demonstrated by the continuous updates of Open Fiberwhich together with TIM had won the Pnrr tender (an allocation of 3.8 billion euros) and announced the areas assigned in May 2022 but with the first municipalities arrived in March 2023 (do you know how to check the coverage of the various operators?).

Now the company jointly with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti announces 19 new Municipalities for which it is open saleability to operators, but before seeing them it is appropriate to clarify some aspects.

In fact, if the project is intended to guarantee a 1 Gigabit connection speed to over 3 thousand Italian Municipalities, this does not mean that the Municipalities appearing in these lists were not already covered at least in part from other plans FFTH with private investment present in other plans.

That means it’s the first time they’ve been covered by the 1 Giga plan.

This is because the municipalities on the list include gray areas (areas in which broadband connectivity coverage via optical fiber is partial or limited), therefore served by pre-existing PoPs (Point of Presence), i.e. infrastructure nodes that host the elements of the fixed access and transport/backhauling network or new ones near bound PCNs.

But these areas can also be part of Municipalities which can be partially black areas (areas with at least two ultra-broadband networks from different operators) and therefore already covered, and it is not certain that all the operators present in the privately invested area will open the saleability even in the areas of the 1 Giga Italy Plan (indeed, at the moment few do so). The reason is that they follow a sales agreement different which must be accepted in advance.

Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that the presence of a Municipality in the list indicates that some addresses are covered but not that the entire Municipality is, as the start of marketing is to be considered partial.

But from here until the end of the coverage plan the availability will expand, both for these Municipalities and for those covered by the initiative whose opening we announced in recent months. Finally, keep in mind that it is possible that the sites of the various operators are not yet available updated, therefore always check the coverage, but above all that, as we mentioned, the operator sells in the areas of the 1 Giga Italy Plan, a rather rare event at the moment.

Having clarified this point, here is the list of new municipalities covered in FTTH.

  • Arzano (Naples)
  • Canosa di Puglia (Barletta-Andria-Trani)
  • Capurso (Bari)
  • Carinaro (Caserta)
  • Casaluce (Caserta)
  • Castrignano del Capo (Lecce)
  • Cellamare (Bari)
  • Cordenons (Pordenone)
  • Crispiano (Taranto)
  • Gagliano del Capo (Lecce)
  • Malo (Vicenza)
  • Marigliano (Naples)
  • Martignano (Lecce)
  • Nonantola (Modena)
  • Patù (Lecce)
  • Quattro Castella (Reggio Emilia)
  • Salerno (Salerno)
  • Sanarica (Lecce)
  • Triggiano (Bari)
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