
Pinterest updates with a new AI tool for inclusivity

Pinterest has just introduced some interesting innovations regarding its well-known online platform, which aim to increase inclusiveness perceived by its users.

Pinterest has in fact announced the arrival of new tools personalization of the body type. These tools are based on artificial intelligence, and come for specific categories of content hosted on Pinterest.

The novelty that allows you to customize body types arrives for research on women’s fashion and on weddings. In fact, a visual input will allow Pinners to choose between four body types and visualize like this personalized resultsin line with the image that every user has of their own body.

Pinterest has also specified that the same innovation will also arrive during this year for content relating to fashion male.

Pinterest’s new feature is based on artificial intelligence, and allows you to adapt automatically the body types contained in the images based on the user.

Pinterest introduced it in response to various statistics which he developed on his platform, interpreting the searches of his users also in the sense of inclusiveness.

Pinterest announced that the news is already available for users Americans, and arrives in the testing phase for Canadians. It remains to be seen when it will also arrive in Italy.

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