
Possible new rules for speed cameras: stop below 50 km/h and more

A period of change is expected for the use of speed cameras on Italian roads. Popular devices used to deter and monitor speeding offenses on our roads are about to receive a new regulation.

The Sole24Ore he has in fact anticipated what the problems might be new rules for the use of speed cameras which would be contained in the next interministerial decree. This decree has been on standby for many years, between the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of the Interior. It could come into force soon.

The aim is to regulate speed cameras by placing signs limitations to their use. Among the objectives will be the use of speed cameras behind a clear justificationas well as one approval more standardized at national level.

Going more into practice, let’s see what the could be new rules which will have the greatest impact on the use of speed cameras on Italian roads:

  • The sections of road where speed cameras can be used must be identified with a provision of the Prefect.
  • There will have to be there distance of at least one kilometre outside built-up areas between the speed limit sign and the device. New minimum reporting distances will also be introduced for speed cameras in built-up areas.
  • Ban on the installation of speed cameras on roads where particularly low speed limits apply. For example, on urban roads it will not be possible to use speed cameras on sections where the limit is less than 50 km/h.
  • Speed ​​cameras cannot be used on sections of road where the speed limit is lower than more than 20 km/h compared to the characteristic limit of the road. For example, on main extra-urban roads, where the highway code limit corresponds to 110 km/h, they cannot be used if the limit is set at less than 90 km/h.
  • In case they get caught more fines for speed cameras on the same road section, in a period of one hour and under the jurisdiction of the same body, only one fine is paid: the most serious one increased by a third.

In addition to the new rules on speed cameras, there should also be some news for the contrast driving in state of inebriation.

In this sense, they should arrive the alcohollocka device capable of inhibit the ignition of the car in case it reveals that the driver was under the influence of alcohol.

In short, there are some important new developments regarding the highway code, and in particular for speed cameras. We reiterate that at the moment the measures they are not confirmed, as the decree has not yet been officially presented. The Ministry of Transport indicates that this should happen within the next month.

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