
The release of GTA 6 may convince Sony to launch PS5 Pro later this year

Possibility of new arrivals for PS5 Pro. The new variant of the well-known Sony console, in fact, could debut by the end of 2024: This news was reported by CNBC, who took the time to interview some market analysts. This is a prediction that could prove correct, especially given Sony’s latest considerations on a possible PS5 sales decline as the console has entered the second phase of its life cycle. Therefore, it seems reasonable to expect a hardware update, perhaps by the end of the year.

In particular, according to analysts, it would be in Sony’s interest to launch “fresher” hardware also in view of GTA 6the eagerly awaited new chapter of the famous saga which will debut in 2025 and which could convince users to make the leap from PS5 to PS5 Pro. In this regard, Serkan TotoCEO of consultancy Kantan Games, said: “Sony will want to make sure it has great hardware ready when GTA 6 arrives in 2025, a launch that will be a shot in the arm for the entire gaming industry.”

As for the fate of the base model, George Jijiashvili of Omdia hypothesized that will not benefit from any price cuts, a move, among other things, already announced by Sony itself during the financial report presented by the shareholders. Therefore, a scenario appears likely in which Sony would record a decline in hardware sales on an annual basis despite the launch of the Pro variant of the PS5.


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