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Does Notion have too many features? The new app from the creators of Wunderlist could be for you

Remember Wunderlist? The app for planning and organize the activities created by Christian Reber had been bought and then closed by Microsoft in favor of Microsoft To Do, but from its ashes a new one has just been reborn project, colorful and which promises to fill the void in the hearts of fans, Superlist (If you’re looking for a way to be more productive with apps, don’t forget to check out our in-depth analysis.)

But let’s take a step back in time. In the 2010 Reber had created Wunderlist, then launched in 2011, an app”to-do” for planning and, since 2013, collaboration, extremely popular and equipped with both a version free than a paid one (Wunderlist Pro).

In 2015 the app was purchased by Microsoft, which in 2017 he announced To Doa proprietary app based on Wunderlist, but its development was not exactly linear, and some features were added only later.

We get to 2019, and Reiner starts asking if he can buy Wunderlist back from Microsoft, which does not accept and not only release a final version of To Do with the look and functionality of Wunderlist, but also announces the closure of the latter.

Closure that materializes in 2020, to which Reiner announces the start of a new project, Superlist, which after four years finally sees the light.

The app, available for Mac, iOS, Android and from Web, promises to be”free forever” for the private and the little ones groups of work, while for those who want more there are the Pro plans, at 8 dollars per month for individuals and 10 dollars per month per member for teams.

But how does it work Superlist? Those who have tried it say that even though they aren’t exactly like it Wunderlist it recalls its spirit, and it has one graphics even more pleasant.

The app, which focuses everything on simplicity It is on design, it’s not just an app to-dobut allows you to organize your own activity and is proposed as an alternative to tools such as Notion (see our guide on how to use Notion), which with their infinite number of functions can intimidate and disorientate users.

Nonetheless, Superlist it is very powerful and allows you to complete a variety of tasks in one place. You can make a to-do list for a project, share it with the working group and add notes, files, tasks, images and anything else associated with that project.

The app automatically recognizes and organizes tasks, so you get a “Today” list, with tasks to complete that day, and there’s also a button to switch between tasks personal to work ones, so you can manage everything in one place without getting confused.

But that’s not all: part of Superlist’s job is to integrate with all the other apps, so you can connect to them Gmail, Slack, GitHub and a few others, in order to create activities starting from other inputs, such as emails. And obviously there is no shortage of related functions to artificial intelligenceto understand which activities are most relevant.

At the moment Superlist it’s in the version 1.0and some “fundamental” integrations such as the one with are missing Microsoft 365 (or is it spite?), but those who have tried it are betting on its success, also thanks to Reiner’s experience who this time wants to build a more solid business model.

If you want to try it, you can use the Web version or download the version Mac from here, while here you will find the apps for Android and iOS. The free version, the company reassures, is sufficient for most users.

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