
Tesla and autonomous driving: neural networks are coming for everyone

We often talk about Tesla’s self-driving software, which has been in the testing phase for a few years now in the United States. This is the same software that just received a new update.

We are talking about Full Self Drivingthe Tesla system which, despite its name, does not offer a guide properly autonomous. It is in fact classified as a driving assistance system level 2which requires the driver to keep both hands on the steering wheel to operate.

We’ve actually already seen the update we mentioned. This is because a few months ago Tesla had already introduced this update for a small circle of users, mostly company employees. The news of the last few hours is that it comes for everyone.

With this update the most significant innovation consists in the introduction of neural networks for the automatic vehicle management. These machine learning models they replace essentially all lines of code written by human developers which in the past have managed Tesla vehicles automatically.

Musk himself, just a few days ago, had hinted that this update should be identified as a major update. To understand the real potential of Tesla’s neural networks, it will obviously be necessary to wait a few weeks and see the feedback that emerges following the test.

We have repeatedly underlined how this update to neural networks represents a important stage for Tesla, which must compete more and more in a sector in which many car manufacturers are developing their own autonomous driving, with classifications that could go beyond level 2 of the Tesla system.

The update we have just described corresponds to version 12.3 of Full Self Driving and is rolling out to those who have joined the beta in the United States.


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