
Threads arrives in Europe: here’s when

During the year that is about to end we have witnessed important news regarding the world of social networks, with Meta officially launching Threads, the one that arrived just like the anti-Twitter (which in the meantime has changed its name to X).

Since its launch we have noticed the inability to use Threads in Europe, due to regulatory and privacy aspects. Initially, it was possible to use Threads unofficially also in Italy, which was then definitively precluded by Meta.

But there’s always been a sense that Threads would have arrived officially in Europe, and finally we are reached the turning point. Official proof has just appeared on Instagram, the social network closely connected to Threads.

In fact, if you try to search for the user “pass” on Instagram, you will see a small red rectangle to the right of the search bar. By touching this rectangle you will be able to access to the official invitation for the presentation of Threads in Europe. This invitation is accompanied by an unambiguous description, and also by an indication of when the launch will take place.

Simply interpreting the information contained in the invitation we understand that the launch of Threads in Europe will take place next December 14th at 12pm.

This means that finally Meta he fixed it all the issues that prevented the launch of Threads in Europe, essentially related to compliance with the Digital Markets Act. We therefore just have to wait until next week to finally and freely use Threads in Italy too.

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