
WhatsApp and Android Auto continue to not get along: the fix is ​​drastic

It’s unknown how widespread this Android Auto bug is, but one thing is for sure: users have been reporting it for more than four months and more and more are those who are staying away complaining.

We are talking about a problem that afflicts those who try to start one call through Whatsapp while using Google’s vehicle interface. Everything seems to be going well, but after just a minute communication comes interrupted for no apparent reason (do you know how to make calls with WhatsApp?).

The first reports of problem they had appeared in July, but only in November did the phenomenon begin to take shape relevance important to be reported by the various newspapers, and now the situation is further worsened.

On the Google support forum and on other platforms, complaints from users have multiplied, reporting that they have tried everything solution. The apps are updated to the latest version, all the various generic gimmicks have no effect, and also update to the latest version of Android Auto, currently 10.9 betait’s no use.

From what we understand, the problem only concerns calls and not video calls, but the constant is that it occurs exclusively when the phone is connected to Android Auto.

The problem also occurs on smartphones from different manufacturers, as described by the owners Xiaomi, OnePlus, Samsung And Google Pixelupdated to Android 13 or Android 14,

AND Google What does he say? At the moment we only know that a specialist from the GrandeG community has asked for further information August, but the problem has never been Resolved, and none have been offered since update. It’s not even clear whether Google has started an investigation, but according to user reports the bug never received a fix.

At this point, users suffering from it have found a unique fix to solve the problem. How long drastic, the only way to be sure you can do it WhatsApp calls while driving is disconnect the phone from Android Auto.

If you want the sound to be routed to the vehicle’s speakers, you can always keep the device connected to the car via Bluetooth.

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