
WhatsApp and Android Auto do not get along and Google cannot solve it

Few things are as frustrating as a persistent crash when combining two applications. This is precisely what users of Android Auto when they try to use WhatsApp to make calls, it doesn’t work for many. Despite its efforts, Google has not been able to solve a problem that affects many.

The user complaints They have been occurring throughout 2023: when trying to make calls via WhatsApp using Android Auto, they simply do not work.

The problem appears to be specific to outgoing calls. Interestingly, incoming calls do not suffer this same fate and work correctly.

Besides, The ruling does not discriminate based on the car model or the brand of the phoneaffecting a wide range of devices from brands such as Samsung, Google and Xiaomi.

Google has not responded to the problem with WhatsApp and Android Auto calls

In August, SmartWorld, a Google community specialist, acknowledged the problem and requested more information to diagnose the cause.

However, despite these efforts, The error persists with no solution in sight. Desperate users have tried solutions such as clearing app data and cache, but to date, these measures have been unsuccessful.

This ruling not only highlights the technical challenges of integrating services into navigation applications, but also highlights the increasing reliance on technology in our vehicles. In a world where Calls are an essential part of everyday lifethese types of failures are not just an inconvenience, but a real barrier in communication.

Meanwhile, the user community is eagerly awaiting a solution. With WhatsApp being one of the most used messaging applications in the world, and Android Auto a key platform in the integration of smartphones in vehicles, the pressure is on Google to solve this problem urgently.

For now, The only solution seems to be to avoid making WhatsApp calls while using Android Autoa significant limitation for users who depend on this functionality.

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