
Diablo 4 arrives on Xbox Game Pass: confirmation and release date

Some important news is arriving for fans of video games, and in particular for those who love the titles of the Diablo saga and who are subscribers to Xbox Game Pass. Diablo 4 is about to arrive on the well-known Microsoft gaming platform.

The video you find at the bottom of this article shows us confirmation of what we have just said. Diablo 4 is coming officially on Xbox Game Passmaking it possible for everyone to access the game subscribers to the Microsoft platform.

Diablo 4 is one of the games of most successful of recent times. We learned about it in detail at the time of its official launch last year, as well as following its success on Steam. Currently the game can count approx 12 million of active players, reached in approximately 3 months.

Now Diablo 4 is also coming to Game Pass. The official debut has been announced for next year March 28the date from which all Xbox Game Pass subscribers will be able to access the game.

We expect it this way they grow still active users in the game, as well as its success.

The news arrives precisely in conjunction with other important news to say the least by Microsoft, with the Redmond giant officially confirming the arrival of some Xbox exclusives on other platforms, such as PS5 And Nintendo Switch. We talked about it in detail in this article.<a href="">watch</a>?

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