
The trick that succeeds on TikTok so that Alexa notifies you of the letters in your mailbox

In the world of home automation, innovations always emerge that surprise us with their simplicity and usefulness. One of these latest trends, popularized on TikTok, is the use of a WiFi motion sensor to receive notifications on Alexa when a letter arrives in the mailbox.

This trick, which has gone viral thanks to Domotics Spain, represents a significant leap in home automation. The key to this system is a WiFi motion sensor, specifically the Sonoff SNZB 03 model.

Its operation is simple– Places it in the mailbox and when it detects movement, such as inserting a letter, it sends a signal to Alexa. In this way, the user receives an immediate notification about the arrival of their email.

For the system to function correctly, It is crucial that the mailbox is within WiFi range of home. In some cases, such as in neighborhood communities, you can depend on community WiFi.

This technical aspect is essential to ensure fluid communication between the sensor and Alexa. The sensor is not only used to notify the arrival of mail.

It can also be configured to alert about possible intrusions such as advertising. In a context where, for example, mail theft is a growing concern, this feature adds an extra level of security.

The motion sensor and its integration with Alexa is simple

Sensor installation is a relatively simple process. No advanced technology skills are required, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Furthermore, the integration with Alexa adds a layer of convenienceallowing users to know when they receive mail or packages, even when they are not at home.

This home automation trick has gained popularity not only because of its usefulness, but also because of its affordable cost. Furthermore, with a little imagination it can be used for many other functions.

The integration of a WiFi motion sensor with Alexa to notify the arrival of letters to the mailbox It is a clear example of how technology can simplify and improve our daily lives.

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