
Chrome could allow you to launch websites as applications

Google does not cease its efforts to make Chrome the most complete browser on the entire market so that it continues with its particular hegemony, and they seem to be working on the possibility of launch websites as applications.

As has been discovered, Chrome For desktop browsers, a very particular feature is being prepared. This would be a universal dialog box for installing web applications.

It has been discovered thanks to the location of two non-functional flags, so its operation is still not entirely clear.

However, according to engineer Leopeva64, these flags indicate a universal installer for web applications.

With this, Google Chrome could allow any website to be installed as a web app, and this could happen independently of existing app stores.

On the one hand, enabling the option called “allow installation of any site” would allow any website to be installed as a web application.

The other option, “shortcuts, not apps,” would replace the create shortcut option with a link that provides faster access to the web without requiring a full app installation.

In any case, this last function offers two added options: a complete installation of the application for greater integration and a new link to quickly access the website.

That would mean that users could install any website as a web application, further improving the browsing experience.

It should be noted that these flags are not functional in Google Chrome, and it seems that they are in a very premature development. It could not be ruled out that they will not finally reach a stable version, so this new feature will have to be monitored.

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