
Use ChatGPT to flirt with more than 5,000 women on Tinder and get married to one

Have you ever wondered if artificial intelligence could help you find true love? Well, Aleksandr Zhadan, a genius—depending on how you look at him—of Russian computing, has done just that, and he did it in quite impressive fashion.

This whole story has taken place in one of the great queens when it comes to dating applications: Tinder. Aleksandr, an expert in artificial intelligence and neural networks, was going through a difficult time in his life after a breakup. He didn’t want to get into traditional dating again, so he decided to take things to the next level, creating a “digital cupid.”

Given his experience, he used a customized version of ChatGPT—even before the official version came out in 2021—, to search among more than 5,000 possible partners on Tinder for your perfect woman, something that, to be honest, is quite complex at the beginning..

“I proposed to a girl with whom ChatGPT had been communicating for a year. To do this, the neural network communicated again with another 5,239 women, whom it eliminated as unnecessary and left only one,” he explains in the tweet below, which you can translate to read X’s thread in full.

Zhadan used his AI creation to “talk” to 5,239 women on Tinder

Regarding its operationAleksandr programmed his AI to find users who matched his personal preferences, which he had previously qualified as, for example, “no alcohol.” Once the AI ​​found a potential match, That’s when it came into action and began to engage in conversations as if it were itself..

“GPT communicated without my intervention based on the request: “You are a guy and talking to a girl for the first time. Your task: not immediately, but to invite you on a date.” It’s a crutch and not very human, but it worked,” Explain.

But, as you can imagine, not everything was rosy. There were some pretty awkward moments, like when the AI ​​suggested walks in the woods on the first date. And then there’s that embarrassing moment when Aleksandr showed up to a date without the flowers the AI ​​had promised in the chat.

Furthermore, as he explains, This began its plan with a still somewhat incomplete ChatGPT that, once it was available to everyone in 2021, things began to improve.

“The situation improved with the release of ChatGPT: memory and custom tools appeared. I began to tune (retrain) ChatGPT using my clean dialogs so that it wrote like me. To avoid sending unnecessary messages, I installed a filter so that it does not immediately throw some kind of shameful story,” he says.

After interacting with thousands of users and organizing several appointments, something totally unexpected happened. He met a girl named Karina, and, after weeks of conversations with the AI, they decided to take the plunge and meet in person..

You already know the end of the story, they finally ended up getting married and he probably told her all about his “work” to get the girl of his dreams, although it is unknown how she would take this news.

It seems that AI is changing the rules of the game when it comes to finding love on these types of apps. Of course, it cannot be overlooked and ignored that some concerns arise about the authenticity of those people with whom you think you are really talking.but what is clear is that in your next matches you should ask if it is a person or an AI.

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